Flooring Preparation Tips

Two reasons to use vinyl sheet flooring in your child's playroom

If you're setting up a playroom in your home for your child, you should consider using vinyl sheet flooring in this area. Here are two reasons why.

It's easy to keep vinyl flooring hygienically clean

In a playroom, where your child is likely to spill art supplies such as paint, as well as food and drink on the floor, and where they'll be picking toys and books up off the floor throughout their playtime, it is very important to ensure the flooring material you use is one that you can easily keep clean.

In this respect, vinyl flooring is a far better choice than carpet or floor tiles, both of which are very hard to truly sanitise without heavy-duty carpet cleaning machinery (as pathogens get stuck in carpet fibres and in the porous grout around floor tiles). Vinyl flooring is non-porous, does not stain easily and, because it is a smooth, flat surface, is very easy to thoroughly vacuum and remove all dirt particles from.

As such, if you use this flooring, you'll be able to easily clear up large spillages in seconds with a wet cloth, won't need to worry about any spillages you don't instantly notice leaving permanent, unhygienic stains and, most importantly, can feel at ease about your child playing in this room, due to how easy it is to keep this flooring in clean condition.

Vinyl sheet flooring is relatively soft

It's important to ensure that the flooring you put in your child's playroom is both comfortable for them to sit on and soft enough that, if they fall over whilst playing a game, they're unlikely to be hurt. Whilst carpet is the softest flooring material, it is not, as explained above, the most hygienic option for a playroom. The good news is that vinyl sheet flooring can be surprisingly soft, particularly if you pair it with a luxury cushioned underlay.

This combination will ensure your child feels happy to sit on the floor for their entire playtime if they want to, and should also ensure that if they take any tumbles, they'll have a relatively soft floor surface on which to land. As an aside, the relative softness of sheet vinyl flooring also means that if your child accidentally drops, for example, their drinking glass or one of their heavier toys onto the floor, it will be less likely to shatter than it would, if the floor were made of wood or tile.
